A Programming Primer

Pencil Code

A Programming Primer

David Bau

Visit http://pencilcode.net/ to run your programs.

The free website is made possible by your purchase of this book.

"The love of beauty is taste.
The creation of beauty is Art."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Second Edition. Copyright © 2013 David Bau.

Pencil Code is an open-source system
that unites the CoffeeScript language by Jeremy Ashkenas in 2009,
and Iced await/defer extensions created by Maxwell Krohn in 2012,
with the jQuery-turtle plugin developed by the author in 2011,
using the jQuery library invented by John Resig in 2006.
This work is inspired by the beloved LOGO language
created by Seymour Papert and Wally Feurzeig in 1967.

Special thanks to the students in Lincoln Massachusetts,
Beaver Country Day School, and Dorchester McCormack School
who vetted this material.

Post questions, ideas, and bug reports to http://pencilcode.net/group

Cover image by Phil Clements. Back cover image by Vinod Velayudhan.

This book is typeset in Łukasz Dziedzic's 2010 open font Lato
and Paul D. Hunt's 2012 Adobe Source Code Pro.


No Thresholds and No Limits

The aim of this book is to teach you to write programs as you would use a pencil: as an outlet for creativity and as a tool for understanding.

These pages follow a fifty-year tradition of using programming as a liberating educational tool, with no thresholds for beginners, and no limits for experts. Seymour Papert's LOGO is the inspiration. Start with a few lines of code, and progress to writing programs to explore art, mathematics, language, algorithms, simulation, and thought.

The language is CoffeeScript. Although CoffeeScript is a production programming language used by pros, it was chosen here because it has an elegance and simplicity well-suited for beginners. While the first examples make the language look trivial, CoffeeScript has a good notation for all the important ideas: algebraic expressions, lists, loops, functions, objects, and concurrency. As you learn the language, remember that the goal should be not mastery of the syntax, but mastery of the underlying concepts.

Edit and run your programs on pencilcode.net. The site is a live experiment in community learning: everything posted is public, so write programs that would be interesting to others. Accounts are free.

As you experiment by building your own ideas, you will find that at first your programs will behave in ways that you do not intend. Details matter, and persistence pays off. If you are patient in adjusting and perfecting your work, you will be rewarded with insight.

Read, think, play, and strive to create something beautiful.

David Bau, 2013

1. Lines


pen red
fd 50


pen blue
fd 50; rt 90
fd 50; rt 90
fd 50; rt 90
fd 50; rt 90


pen black
fd 70; rt 120
fd 70; rt 120
fd 70; rt 120


speed 5
pen green
fd 30; lt 90
fd 10; rt 120
fd 80; rt 120
fd 80; rt 120
fd 10; lt 90
fd 30; rt 90
fd 60; rt 90


pen gold
fd 100; rt 144
fd 100; rt 144
fd 100; rt 144
fd 100; rt 144
fd 100; rt 144

A simple computer program is called a script, because the computer performs it like reading lines like a play. Each command is followed, one at a time, from beginning to end.

Basic Movement

The scripts on this page use four basic functions to move a turtle:

In CoffeeScript, fd is different from FD (and FD is not defined), so all these function names should be typed in lowercase. It is important to put a space between the function name and the number. Do not indent the code for now, because indenting has special meaning in the language.

Notice that a small turn traces out an obtuse angle. An acute angle requires a turn more than 90. Turtles measure turns in exterior angles, so a complete circuit always adds to a multiple of 360.

On pencilcode.net, you can try single commands and ask for help in the console on the bottom of the right panel. It is a good way to experiment.

Drawing in Color

The turtle draws a line by selecting a pen.

Common color names such as red, black, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple all work. There are 140 standard color names that are listed at the end of this book.

Unselect the pen by using pen null. Use pen erase for an eraser.


The turtle takes about a second to trace out any movement, but its speed can be changed.


The semicolon (;) that appears in the examples is just used for combining two commands on the same line. These programs would behave the same if all the commands separated by semicolons were written on separate lines.

2. Points

Dot Row

rt 90; dot lightgray
fd 30; dot gray
fd 30; dot()
fd 30


message = 'Hello You.'
see 'message'
see message


pen crimson
fd 60; label 'GO'
rt 30
fd 40; rt 120; dot gold, 30
fd 40; rt 30
fd 60; rt 90
fd 40; rt 90


speed 10
dot yellow, 160
fd 20
rt 90
fd 25
dot black, 20
bk 50
dot black, 20
bk 5
rt 90
fd 40
pen black, 7
lt 30
lt 120, 35


x = 18
see x * 5
dot black, x * 5
dot white, x * 4
dot black, x * 3
dot white, x * 2

Some new functions on this page:


If you are lost in a long program, add dot red or label 'A' or see x to understand a specific point in the code.

These three functions are useful for debugging because they make a visible record of the current state of the program without otherwise changing things.

Variables and Strings

Most of the words in our programs (including fd, rt, speed and red) are predefined in Pencil Code, but you can define your own words using the = equals assignment symbol.

The assignment message = 'Hello You.' defines the word message to stand for the text "Hello You." inside the program Message.

Bullseye defines x = 18. After the definition, x means 18. For example, if we were to write see x or label x, it would not draw the letter x on the screen. It would write out the number 18. Words like x without quotes are are called variables. Variables can stand for numbers, functions, text, or other objects.

To literally write the letter "x" on the screen, put it in quotes: label 'x' will show the letter x, and see 'message' will write out the word "message". Quoted text in a program is called a string.

Arithmetic Operations

Mathematical operations are written as you would expect:

Parentheses and order-of-operations work as taught in math class. When x is 18, see x + x * x / (7 + x) will do the computation and show 30.96.

3. Loops


pen green
for d in [50, 100, 50, 100]
  fd d
  rt 90


for c in [
  pen c
  rt 360, 50
  fd 10


see [1..5]
see [1...5]

Square Loop

pen blue
for [1..4]
  fd 50
  rt 90

360 Loop

speed 100
pen red
for [1..360]
  fd 1
  rt 1

Descending Loop

pen purple
for x in [50..1] by -1
  rt 30, x

To draw a rectangle, we could write the following.

fd 50; rt 90; fd 100; rt 90; fd 50; rt 90; fd 100; rt 90

But that is wordy and repetitive. The program Rectangle is clearer because it uses a for loop to repeat the fd and rt 90 commands.

The Parts of a Loop

Look closely at Rectangle. The for loop has three parts:

The prepositions for and in are special words in the language: they introduce a loop variable and its loop list.

Since the list contains four numbers, the loop repeats the body four times: once with d set to 50; then once with d as 100; then again as 50; then finally as 100 again.

Loop Lists and Ranges

A list is written by surrounding items with square brackets [ ].

If you write list items on a single line, separate them with commas. Longer lists like the list of colors in Rainbow can be written on multiple lines for clarity; commas are not needed at linebreaks.

A range of numbers can be listed by putting two dots .. between the lowest and highest numbers. If you use three dots ..., the effect is similar, but the last number will not be included in the list.

Indenting is Important

The commands in the loop are indented underneath the for line to show that they are inside the loop. It is important to indent lines inside the loop body evenly with each other.

List items should also be indented evenly with each other when written on separate lines.

Simple Loops and Stride

Notice that the loop variable does not need to be used inside the body of the loop. In Square Loop and 360 Loop, the variable x is not used except to count the number of repetitions.

In Descending Loop, the word by after the list denotes a stride, which is how much to skip forward when looping through the list. Looping by 2 would skip every other number. Looping by -1 counts down.

4. Nesting


pen blueviolet
for [1..5]
  rt 72
  for [1..3]
    fd 50
    rt 120


for outside in [skyblue, violet, pink]
  for inside in [palegreen, orange, red]
    dot outside, 21
    dot inside, 7
    fd 25
    rt 36

Decorated Nest

pen turquoise
for [1..10]
  dot blue
  for [1..4]
    fd 50
    rt 90
  lt 36
  bk 50


speed 100
rt 90
for color in [red, gold, green, blue]
  jump 40, -160
  for sides in [3..6]
    pen path
    for [1..sides]
      fd 100 / sides
      lt 360 / sides
    fill color
    fd 40

Any code can be put in a loop, including another loop.

Nesting loops within loops can create beautiful effects. Violet arranges five triangles around a point by nesting a loop of 3 within a loop of 5. The single line fd 50 is repeated 15 times with perfect symmetry.

Inner and Outer Loops

When loops are nested, the inner loop is the one that repeats most quickly. Consider Combinations.

A single pass through a loop is called an iteration. On each iteration, the program draws a small dot within a big dot, then moves the turtle a bit. The color of the small dot comes from the variable inside, which is the loop variable of the inner loop. The large dot color comes from the outer loop variable outside.

Because the inner loop repeats most quickly, the small dot colors palegreen, orange, and red change on every iteration.

The outer loop repeats only after the inner loop has made a full set of iterations, so the outside dot colors change only after 3 inner iterations have been made.

Nesting Carefully

The level of indent indicates whether code is within an inner loop or an outer loop, or not within a loop at all.

In Decorated Nest, fd 50 is indented twice to be in the innermost loop. It runs 40 times in total. However, dot blue is only indented once, so it is in the outer loop and done only 10 times. Lines that are not indented, such as pen turquoise, are not looped, and they are done only once.

Loops can be nested as deeply as you like. Catalog shows a triply-nested loop. Its innermost loop repeats by a number that varies (sides) because the loop range comes from the second level loop variable.

Jumping and Path Filling

Some new functions:

Note that jump jumps right and up relative to the current direction and position of the turtle, and it does not draw with the pen or turn the turtle. To jump to an absolute Cartesian coordinate, use jumpto.

5. Functions

Scoot Function

pen purple
scoot = (x) -> fd 10 * x
rt 90
scoot 7

Spike Function

spike = (x) ->
  fd x
  label x
  bk x

pen crimson
for n in [1..6]
  spike n * 10
  rt 60

Square Function

square = (size) ->
  for y in [1..4]
    fd size
    rt 90

pen red
square 80

jump 15, 15
pen firebrick
square 50

Tee Function

tee = ->
  fd 50
  rt 90
  bk 25
  fd 50

pen green
pen gold
pen black

The most important idea in this book:

Programs define their own functions.

A function is a miniature program. In CoffeeScript, a function is written with an arrow -> typed as two symbols next to each other (the minus and the greater-than) like this:

(input) -> something to do

Writing and Naming Functions

A function that advances the turtle by ten times a distance is

(x) -> fd 10 * x

Name a function like any variable, using =.

scoot = (x) -> fd 10 * x

After the definition, we can write scoot 7 or scoot 5 + 2. In other words, scoot can be used just like predefined functions like fd or rt.


The variable x in parentheses in the function definition is called a parameter. Parameters may use any name. When the function is run, the parameter takes on the value passed to the function.

When spike n * 10 is called, the code within the function binds parameter name x to the current value of n * 10, which is 10 during the first iteration of the loop.

Each time a function is called, its parameters can have different values. The last time spike is called, n * 10 has advanced to 60, so the value of x during the last function call is 60.

Indenting Functions

The level of indenting is important for determining the scope of a line. If a line is indented under an arrow, that line is inside the function.

If the function itself contains loops, those should be indented further. There is no limit to the depth of nested indenting, but indenting must be done neatly. Each level of indenting indicates a particular function, loop, or nested scope.

Functions with No Parameters

Functions like tee that have no parameters are written specially:

6. Parameters


polygon = (c, s, n) ->
  pen c
  for [1..n]
    fd s
    rt 360 / n
  pen null

polygon blue, 70, 5
bk 50
polygon(orange, 25, 6)


rule = (sizes) ->
  for x in sizes
    fd x
    bk x
    rt 90; fd 10; lt 90

pen black
rule [50, 10, 20, 10, 50, 10, 20, 10, 50]


starburst = (x, shape) ->
  for z in [1..x]
    rt 360 / x
stick = -> fd 30; bk 30

pen deeppink
starburst 3, stick

jump 0, -60
starburst 20, stick

jump 0, -90
starburst 10, -> fd 30; dot blue; bk 30

jump 0, -100
starburst 5, ->
  fd 30
  starburst 7, ->
    fd 10
    bk 10
  bk 30

Multiple parameters can be listed in a function definition with commas. The declaration polygon = (c, s, n) -> sets up three parameters: a color c, a side length s, and a number n.

Passing Arguments

The value passed to a parameter when using a function is called an argument. When calling a function with several parameters, the arguments are listed with commas. For clarity, you can put parentheses around the argument list, like polygon(orange, 25, 6).

When using parentheses around function arguments, do not put any space between the function name and the first parentheses, or else the parentheses will be interpreted as enclosing only the first argument.

Objects as Arguments

An argument may be a complex object such as a list. That is the approach taken in Rule.

The parameter named sizes is used as the loop list in a for loop. When rule is called, the whole list is passed as one argument.

Functions as Arguments

An argument may itself be another function. That is done in Starburst. The technique allows one mini-program to be attached to another.

The call to starburst 3, stick passes the function stick as the last argument. Inside starburst, n now stands for 3, and shape stands for the stick function. When shape() is written, stick() is called. In the end stick is called three times, drawing three symmetric sticks.

Calling starburst 30, stick calls stick 30 times, making a circular starburst of 30 sticks.

Unnamed Inline Functions

Calling starburst n, something means "Do something n times in a star." We can provide any code as something, even if unnamed.

The call starburst 10, -> fd 30; dot blue; bk 30 passes a lollipop-like function to starburst. The function has no name &endash; it is defined inline to draw line with a blue dot at the far end. The starburst function binds this unnamed function to its local parameter name shape and calls it 10 times. The result is a starburst with blue dots.

The last starburst call passes unnamed code that does another starburst. The result is a starburst made out of starbursts!

7. Time


speed 100
pen red
for x in [1..20]
  fd 80
  rt 100
  if x is 10
    pause 2

Second Hand

speed Infinity
advance = ->
  pen lightgray
  bk 100
  rt 5
  pen red
  fd 100
tick advance


seconds = 5
tick ->
  if seconds is 0
    write "Time's up!"
    tick null
    write seconds
    seconds = seconds - 1

Click Draw

speed Infinity
pen green

tick ->
  moveto lastclick

Move Draw

speed Infinity
pen orange

tick 100, ->
  turnto lastmousemove
  fd 1

There are two techniques for organizing time in a program:

  1. Queues: process lists of events over time in sequence.
  2. Frames: process snapshots of the world at regular time intervals.

How speed Works with Queues

In Pencil Code, each turtle has its own animation queue that is used if you set speed to any number less than Infinity. (The default speed is one.)

Each movement command like fd 100 adds the motion to the turtle's animation queue. When the program is finished running, the turtle has the whole plan, and it runs through its animation queue after your program is done.

The animation queue works well for timed motions that your program can plan ahead of time. But if you are writing a game or simulation that needs to respond to events in real time, then you may find it more sensible to to draw frames.

How tick Works with Frames

The tick command is used for frames: it calls the passed function at a regular rate. The optional first argument is the frame rate (the default rate is one frame per second).

The Countdown example writes a number on each tick callback. It also shows how to clear the callback once you are done: call tick null.

The Move Draw example is a very simple interactive program that uses tick. 100 times per second, it runs a function that turns the turtle toward the position on the screen where the mouse last moved, then advances the turtle by one pixel. Because each frame should be drawn instantaneously, it sets speed Infinity.

New Functions and Variables

Several new built-in names are used in these examples.

The moveto can be used with any Cartesian coordinate or any object that has a position - it happens to be used here with the special variable lastclick. Similarly, turnto can be used with any absolute direction or coordinate. The special variable lastmousemove happens to keep the most recent mouse position.

8. Output

Poetry and Song

cry = (who, query) ->
  write "Oh #{who}, #{who}!"
  write "#{query} #{who}?"
cry "Romeo", "Wherefore art thou"
cry "kitty", "What did you eat"
play "fc/c/dcz"


url = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia" +
write """<center><img src="#{url}" width=100>

Bold Statement

n = write "<h1>Notice</h1>"
write """
<p>This long paragraph has
<b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>,
and <u>underlined</u> text.
Horizontal rule below.</p>
write "<hr>"
write """
<p><a href="//pencilcode.net/">
Link</a> with an &lt;a&gt;.
  background: pink


n = write "<h1>Notice</h1>"
write """
<p>This long paragraph has
<b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>,
and <u>underlined</u> text.
  background: pink
  display: 'inline-block'
n.pen purple, 10
n.bk 80
n.rt 45
n.fd 50

A string written with double quotes "..." can interpolate values written as #{something}, which means the value of something is inserted into the string.

A multiline string can be written by tripling the quotes (either double or single) around the string, as is done in the last string of Imagery.

HTML Elements

Codes like <b> are called HTML tags. They set off text for special formatting: <b> and </b> mark bold text; <h1> and </h1> mark a first-level heading; the <hr> tag is a "horizontal rule".

A matching tag pair and its contents (or singleton tag, for tags like <hr> or <img> that are not paired) make up an HTML element.


HTML Elements can have attributes with special meanings such as the href attribute on the <a> element, which sets the URL for a hyperlink.

The other attributes seen on this page are the src and width attributes on the <img> element, which specify the location from which to load the image data, and the scaling width to use.

jQuery Objects

Programs can use jQuery objects to alter HTML elements on the screen.

The code n = write "<h1>Notice</h1>" returns a jQuery object for the <h1> element, and stores it in the variable n. Then the jQuery function n.css is used to alter its CSS.

In Pencil Code, all the turtle methods such as fd and pen are available as jQuery methods. Any element can be moved like a turtle.

CSS Properties

CSS properties can alter many of the details of HTML formatting such as such as an element's background (set here to pink). The css function can set more than one property at once, and the property list under n.css should be indented.

Exploring More

HTML is a rich subject. There are more than 100 types of HTML elements, more than 100 HTML attributes, more than 100 jQuery methods, and more than 100 CSS properties. The best way to explore all these options is to search for and consult the many resources on the Internet about these technologies.

And experiment.

9. Input

Button Control

pen sienna
button 'R', -> rt 10
button 'F', -> fd 10
button 'D', -> dot 'darkslateblue'

Polygon to Order

await read "Color?", defer color
await read "Sides?", defer sides
pen color
for [1..sides]
  fd 30
  rt 360 / sides

Guess My Number

secret = random [1..100]
turns = 5
write "Guess my number."
while turns > 0
  await readnum defer pick
  if pick is secret
    write "You got it!"
  if 1 <= pick < secret
    write "Too small! "
    turns = turns - 1
  else if secret < pick <= 100
    write "Too big! "
    turns = turns - 1
  if turns > 1
    write "#{turns} left."
  else if turns is 1
    write "Last guess!"
    write "Game over."
    write "It was #{secret}."

Polygon Revisited

read "Color?", (color) ->
  read "Sides?", (sides) ->
    pen color
    for [1..sides]
      fd 30
      rt 360 / sides

The examples on this page gather input using callbacks:

Awaiting Callbacks

If a program needs to wait until a callback is received, the await keyword: inside the await, the defer statement stands for the callback. After this callback receives a value, the program continues on the line after the await

Randomness and Reassigning Variables

The Guess My Number example uses the random function to pick an unpredictable number from 1 to 100. (The argument to random is a list of numbers to choose from.)

The game allows five turns to guess the number, tracked in the variable turns. The assignment turns = turns - 1 means "set the value of turns to be one less than the old value of turns".

Booleans and Conditionals

A true or false value is called a boolean. The expression turns > 1 is a boolean that is true when turns exceeds 1. When used with conditional words if and else, booleans control program flow. Other examples:

Statements to be be run conditionally should be indented underneath the if or else line that controls the condition.

Callbacks Versus Deferrals

It is worth thinking about how await and defer work. defer creates a callback function that, when called, continues the program after the await block. The defer function is called a continuation because it continues the program where it left off.

Chained callbacks to do multistep interactions can be done explicitly. Polygon Revisited does exactly the same thing as Polygon To Order: the nested function is called when readnum completes, and the innermost function is run after the second readnum is done. Think about how a loop such as in Guess could be done without await.

10. Numbers


write '5' + '3'
write Number('5') + Number('3')

Ways to Count

counter = 0
write ++counter + 'a'
write (counter += 1) + 'b'
write (counter = counter + 1) + 'c'

Circle Measurements

area = (radius) ->
  Math.PI * radius * radius

circumference = (radius) ->
  2 * Math.PI * radius

for r in [1, 5, 10]
  write 'radius ' + r
  write 'a ' + area r
  write 'c ' + circumference r


hypotenuse = (a, b) ->
  Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)

write hypotenuse 3, 4
write hypotenuse 5, 12
write hypotenuse 10, 10
write Math.floor(hypotenuse(10, 10))

Euclid's Method

gcf = (a, b) ->
  if a > b
    return gcf b, a
  remainder = b % a
  if remainder is 0
    return a
  gcf remainder, a

for x in [80..88]
  write "gcf(120,#{x})=" +
      gcf(120, x)

In CoffeeScript, numbers are unquoted. The language treats numbers and strings differently: 5 + 3 is 8, while '5' + '3' is "53".

Numerical Conversion

Strings can be parsed to numbers using the Number function; the String function does the opposite.

CoffeeScript allows numbers and strings to be mixed, but you should be careful when doing it. Adding a number to a string will convert the number to a string and attach it. Multiplying a number by a string will convert the string to a number and do the numerical product.

Three Ways to Change a Variable

There are three types of statements that change the value of a variable.

Floating Point Limits

CoffeeScript uses IEEE 754 "double-precision" floating-point numbers, which means numbers are stored using 64 bits. Scientific notation is written with an e+ or e- followed by a power of 10: 1e+6 is one million and 1e-9 is one billionth.

There are 15 digits of precision, and every integer up to 9,007,199,254,740,992 can be written exactly. There are also special Infinity and NaN ("Not a Number") values. However, not every real number can be represented exactly: the next number after zero is 5e-324 and the largest number is 1.79e+308.

The limits are expansive, so for most practical purposes, you can treat CoffeeScript numbers as if they were real numbers.

The Modulo Operator

The modulo operator x % y computes the remainder of x when divided by y. In other words, it removes the largest integer multiple of y from x and returns the remainder.

The modulo operator is useful for divisibility tests: x % y is zero if x is divisible by y. Euclid's famous algorithm uses the modulo operator to efficiently compute greatest common factors.

11. Computation


power = (x, p) ->
  answer = 1
  answer *= x for i in [0...p]
  return answer
for n in [1..5]
  write power(2, n)

Built-in Power

write Math.pow(2, 5)
write Math.pow(2, 0.5)


factorial = (x) ->
  if x < 1 then 1
  else x * factorial(x - 1)
for x in [1..4]
  write factorial x


fib = (n) ->
  if n <= 2
    fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
for x in [3..8]
  write fib x


mandelbrot = (n, c, z) ->
  if n is 0 or z.r*z.r + z.i*z.i > 4
    return n
  else return mandelbrot n - 1, c,
    r: c.r + z.r*z.r - z.i*z.i
    i: c.i + 2*z.r*z.i
speed 100
scale 150
s = 0.05
for x in [-2..1] by s
  for y in [-1.5..1.5] by s
    n = mandelbrot 20, {r:x,i:y}, {r:x,i:y}
    moveto x, y
    dot hsl(100, 1, n/20), s

The Math object provides constants and functions you would find on a scientific calculator. A partial list:

Returning Values, Recursion, and Base Cases

Other mathematical functions can be built yourself. The output, or return value, of a CoffeeScript function is the last value computed in the function. The statement return n ends a function with the return value n.

The functions fib and factorial are are recursive: they refer to themselves in their own definition. When writing a recursive function it is important that the recursion ends at a base case (such as where fib defines the value as 1 when n <= 2).

Recursion without a base case will loop forever and freeze up. There must be initial values for which the function does not depend on itself.


Although the built-in numbers represent reals, complex numbers can be represented as pairs of numbers. In Mandelbrot, the parameters c and z are complex numbers represented by objects that each contain an r and i property.

That example uses scale 150 to grow the turtle by 150-fold. The hsl function generates colors based on hue, saturation, and lightness.

Mathematical algorithms have a long and fascinating history. It is worth researching how Mandelbrot's remarkable fractal works; how Gauss's Gamma function generalizes factorials to all numbers; and how the Fibonacci sequence relates to sunflower seeds and the golden mean.

12. Objects

Page Coordinates

startpos =
  pageX: 80
  pageY: 10
moveto startpos
pen coral
  pageX: 30
  pageY: 50
moveto {pageX: 160, pageY: 50}


figure = [
  {c: dimgray, x: 75,  y: 12}
  {c: gray,    x: 0,   y: 78}
  {c: dimgray, x: -75, y: 5}
  {c: gray,    x: -35, y: -18}
  {c: plum,    x: 0,   y: -62}
  {c: gray,    x: 35,  y: -15}
  {c: black,   x: 0,   y: 95}
for line in figure
  pen line.c
  slide line.x, line.y


points =
  a: 1, e: 1, i: 1, l: 1, n: 1, o: 1, r: 1, s: 1, t: 1, u: 1
  d: 2, g: 2, b: 3, c: 3, m: 3, p: 3, f: 4, h: 4, v: 4, w: 4, y: 4
  k: 5, j: 8, x: 8, q: 10, z: 10
score = (word) ->
  total = 0
  for letter in word
    total += points[letter]
  write "#{word}: #{total}"
score x for x in ['bison', 'armadillo', 'giraffe', 'zebra']


memo =
  sum: 0
  count: 0
  add: (x) -> @sum += x; @count += 1
  stats: ->
    write "Total #{this.sum} / #{this.count}"
    write "Average #{this.sum / this.count}"
memo.add(n) for n in [40..50]

An object is a value that has its own properties. Each property of an object associates a name with a value. The object startpos has two properties: pageX, which has value 80, and pageY, which is 10.

The moveto function understands objects with a pageX and pageY property as a "page coordinate." (Page coordinates measure distances from the top-left corner of the page instead of from the center.)

Object Literals

In the Page Coordinate example, we can see that there are two styles for writing object literals in CoffeeScript. Each property can be put on separate lines, indented (YAML style); or the properties can be enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas (JSON style). The two styles are equivalent, and the program uses both.

Dot Notation

The properties of an object are referenced using a dot: line.x refers to the value of the property named "x" in the object named "line".

The most common use of objects is as a way of encapsulating a packet of related data together: in Figure, each object bundles the data needed for one line: a color and an x, y displacement.

Associative Array Notation

A property name can be any string, so an object can be used as an associative array that defines a map from strings to values.

In Scoring, points maps letters to point values. The square bracket notation points[letter] means "look up the value of the property whose name is the value of letter."

Mutation and Methods

Properties of an object may be changed by assigning a value using the normal = or += or ++ variable-setting operators. (Changing a property of an object is sometimes called mutation.)

Properties of an object that happen to be functions are called methods. Methods are particularly useful, because they can use the word this or the symbol @ to refer to the object on which the method was called.

(Note that the line memo.add for n in [40..50] puts the for at the end of the statement in order to repeat it.)

It is common to write methods like memo.add that mutate several properties of the object at once, or methods like memo.stats that do computation summarizing the properties of the object.

13. Arrays


story = [
  '!  he said '
  ' as he jumped into his convertible '
  ' and drove off with his '
  ' wife.'
for i in [0...story.length] by 2
  prompt = story[i]
  await read prompt, defer answer
  story[i] = answer
write story.join ''


primes = []
candidate = 2
while primes.length < 10
  composite = false
  for p in primes
    if candidate % p is 0
      composite = true
  if not composite
    primes.push candidate
    write candidate
  candidate = candidate + 1

Push and Pop

stack = []
pen green
speed Infinity
button 'R', -> rt 30
button 'F', -> fd 10
button 'Push', ->
  dot crimson
  stack.push [getxy(), direction()]
button 'Pop', ->
  if not stack.length then home(); return
  [xy, b] = stack.pop()
  jumpto xy
  turnto b
  dot pink

Arrays are objects that contain a sequence of values. Throughout this book we have used arrays for iteration in for loops; arrays are used wherever a program needs to organize sequential data.

Referencing and Joining Array Elements

The ith element of an array story is story[i], and the number of elements is story.length. Indexing is zero-based, so the first element is story[0] and the last is story[story.length - 1].

All the elements of an array can be joined together in one big string by story.join ''. The argument is the "glue" put between the elements.

Await and Defer

The statement await read prompt, defer answer pauses the program until the read is done. defer answer is a continuation function that resumes the program after putting the result in answer.

Building Arrays with Push

A program can use push to add elements to the end of an array.

Primes starts with primes = [] as an empty array, and then it calls primes.push candidate to add each discovered prime to the array of divisors to check. This ancient algorithm is the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Stacks of Objects

Arrays have a pop method that reverses of push by removing and returning the last value. An array used by pushing and popping is called a stack.

It is common to use a stack of objects to undo a sequence. In Push and Pop, stack is an array where every element is a turtle position. Each element is itself a two-element array containing an [x, y] (itself another array) and a numerical direction.


The form [xy, b] = value is called a destructuring assignment. It is a concise way to give local variable names to the elements of a short array.

14. Recursion

Recursive Spiral

spiral = (x) ->
  if x > 0
    fd x * 10
    rt 90
    spiral x - 1
    lt 90
    bk x * 10
pen red
spiral 10

Fractal Fern

speed 1000
fern = (x) ->
  if x > 1
    fd x
    rt 95
    fern x * .4
    lt 190
    fern x * .4
    rt 100
    fern x * .8
    lt 5
    bk x
pen green
fern 50

Koch Snowflake

speed Infinity
flake = (x) ->
  if x < 3 then fd x
    flake x / 3
    lt 60
    flake x / 3
    rt 120
    flake x / 3
    lt 60
    flake x / 3
pen 'path'
for s in [1..3]
  flake 150
  rt 120
fill 'azure strokeStyle navy'

Recursive functions refer to themselves, and they can achieve powerful effects. Recursion is at the core of fractals, language, and reasoning.

Recursion as a Stack

Operationally, recursion works by stepping through a stack of work. Consider the sequence as Spiral draws a shape and retraces it back.

spiral 10 sets x to 10 rt 90; fd x * 10; spiral x - 1 ⇓ lt 90; bk x * 10 ⇑
spiral 9 sets x to 9 rt 90; fd x * 10; spiral x - 1 ⇓ lt 90; bk x * 10 ⇑
spiral 8 sets x to 8 rt 90; fd x * 10; spiral x - 1 ⇓ lt 90; bk x * 10 ⇑
... etc, until the base case spiral 0 ⇑

Each time spiral is called, it puts the previous call on hold and does the smaller spiral. After the smaller spiral is done, it returns to finish work on the bigger one. spiral 0 does nothing: that is called the base case.

The x at different levels are local variables that do not interfere with each other. Each red box is a stack frame with its own "copy" of x.

Recursion as a Reduction

Conceptually, recursion reduces a problem to smaller cases. Consider how Fern draws a large fern by assuming it can draw smaller ferns:

slide 60, -5
label '⇒'
jump -110, -110
fern = (x, depth, boxd) ->
  if x > 1
    fd x
    rt 95
    fern x * .4, depth + 1, boxd
    lt 190
    fern x * .4, depth + 1, boxd
    rt 100
    fern x * .8, depth + 1, boxd
    lt 5
    bk x
  if depth is boxd
    pen red
    rt 90
    fd 1.7 * x
    lt 90
    fd 4.5 * x
    lt 90
    fd 3.5 * x
    lt 90
    fd 4.5 * x
    lt 90
    fd 1.8 * x
    lt 90
    pen green
pen green
fern 50, 0, 1
jump 220, 0
fern 50, 0, 0

All fern does is draw a stem with three smaller ferns at the end. The main caveat is that the reduction has a limit: it ends when x ≤ 1.

Both Spiral and Fern return the turtle to exactly the same position and direction at the end of a function call. Maintaining an invariant like this can make recursion much easier to understand.

15. Randomness

Two Dice

onedice = ->
  random [1..6]
twodice = ->
  onedice() + onedice()
for n in [1..5]
  write twodice()

Random Walk

for n in [1..20]
  fd 10
  rt random(181) - 90
  dot gray, 5


for n in [1..14]
  pen random [red,black,blue]
  fd random 70
  rt 90


for n in [1..300]
  moveto random position
  dot random color

Decimal Random

for n in [1..2]
  write Math.random()

Five Flips

c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for n in [1..500]
  heads = 0
  for flips in [1..5]
    heads += random 2
  c[heads] += 1
for h of c
  b = write h + ":" + c[h]
    background: skyblue
    width: c[h]

Most functions and programs are designed to be deterministic, which means they run exactly the same way given the same input.

The random function is different. Each time it runs, it produces random results that are unpredictable. Here are several ways of using random:

All of these are built using the lower-level function:

Expect The Unexpected

Randomness is a subtle concept. Think about flipping a coin five times:

flips = random ['heads', 'tails'] for [1..5]
The random function is careful to pick between choices with equal probability, and our coin flip will be perfectly fair. So we might be surprised to run this program and get
['heads', 'heads', 'heads', 'heads', 'heads']

However, we should not be too surprised: there are 32 possible sequences of heads and tails, and each of those sequences is just as likely as any others. An output of five heads is just as "random" as any other sequence of heads and tails.

If we repeated five coin flips five hundred times, we expect to see "all heads" about 500/32=15.625 times. Five Flips illustrates this effect.

Yet the principle of unpredictability holds even when repeating a random process 500 times: we should not be too surprised if we obtain "all heads" much more or less often than 15 or 16 times. With random, rare coincidences will happen if you try often enough.

Average is Normal

Another remarkable fact about randomness is the Central Limit Theorem: if you average enough random events - regardless of bias - the distribution of the average will be guaranteed to form a precise bell curve, called a Gaussian, or Normal distribution. random normal directly generates random numbers according to this bell curve: it produces random numbers from the normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one.

The reliable unpredictability of random makes it indispensable for games, simulations, and cryptography.

16. Sets


s = hatch 15, orange
s.pen gold
s.plan ->
  this.rt random 360
  this.fd Math.abs(20 * random normal)

Turtle Race

fd 200; pen red; slide 200, 0
finished = 0
racers = hatch 7
racers.plan (j) ->
  @wear random color
  @speed 5 + random normal
  @slide j * 25 + 25, 0
  while not @touches red
    @fd random 5
    await @done defer()
  @label ++finished

Rescue Class

speed 100
randpos = ->
  [50 * random(normal), 50 * random(normal)]
hatch(20, green).scale(0.75).plan ->
  this.moveto randpos()
  this.addClass 'kid'
hatch(3, red).plan (num) ->
  hero = this
  count = 0
  hero.moveto randpos()
  hero.pen red
  while true
    await hero.done defer()
    kid = $('.kid').nearest(hero).eq(0)
    if kid.length is 0
      write "hero ##{num} got #{count}"
    else if hero.touches(kid)
      count += 1
      kid.label num

Turtles are jQuery sets. Although most sets we have worked with contain a single turtle, a set can contain any number of elements. hatch 15 makes a set of 15 new turtles, and $('.turtle') is the set of all turtles.

JQuery Set Methods

Methods operating on a jQuery set s can:

Generally a manipulation method like s.fd 100 will do the same thing to every element of the set. However, the method s.plan applies a function that can run a distinct operation on each element.

Giving Turtles Individualized Plans

When s.plan (j) -> action runs, The action is done for each element with the following parameters:

For example, Scatter uses plan to direct each turtle to turn and move a different random amount. The function call random normal returns a normally distributed random number with mean 0 and variance 1.

The program Turtle Race is similar, but it also uses an await loop to run the seven turtles in a parallel race. On each iteration, the turtles individually check if they have crossed the red line. The shared variable finished tracks the order in which the turtles finish.

Using and Selecting Classes

The loop in Rescue Class finds the nearest kid to each hero and removes that kid if the hero touches it. Otherwise the hero turns and moves towards the nearest kid and repeats the process.

At the beginning of that program, all the kids are marked with a class using this.addClass('kid'). On the hero thread, the jQuery selector $('.kid') obtains the set of all current elements in the kid class that have not yet been removed.

jQuery methods that return sets can be chained. For example, $('.kid').nearest(hero).eq(0) filters the set of kids to the subset nearest hero, and then filters that subset to its first element, if any.

There are a wide range of jQuery methods for finding and manipulating sets: much about jQuery has been written on the web.

17. Text

text = """If you can look into the seeds of time
          And say which grain will grow and which will not,
          Speak, then, to me."""


see text.indexOf 'which'
see text.substr 47, 7


see 'charCode', text.charCodeAt(0)
see 'string', String.fromCharCode(73)
for x in [88, 188, 9988]
  see x, String.fromCharCode(x)


see text.match /w....g.../
see text.match /[a-z][a-z]/
see text.match /\s[a-z][a-z]\s/
see text.match /\b[a-z][a-z]\b/
see text.match /\b[a-z][a-z]\b/gi
see text.match /\b[gn][a-z]*\b/g
see text.match /z/


lines = text.split /\n/
see lines[2]
words = text.split /\s+/
see words[0..2]


pattern = /\b([a-z]+) of ([a-z]+)\b/
matched = pattern.exec text
for g in [0..2]
  see "group #{g}: #{matched[g]}"


r = text.replace /[A-Z][a-z]*/g,
r = r.replace /\n/g,
r = r.replace /\bw[a-z]*\b/g,
    (x) -> x.toUpperCase()
write r

String algorithms to locate patterns in text are a fundamental tool for understanding written language.


Strings are arrays of characters. The Unicode character set supports textual communication around the world, so it includes characters for every international alphabet, every Asian pictographic word, and every common mathematical symbol.

Unicode assigns a number to every character. String.fromCharCode gets the character for the number, and text.charCodeAt gets the number for a character. Numbers up to 127 are ASCII codes that cover American English: 65 is uppercase A, 122 is lowercase z, 48 is the 0 digit, 32 is the space, and 36 is the $ dollar symbol.

Locating Substrings in Text

The simplest way to match text is to find an exact substring: text.indexOf returns the location of the first occurrence of the given substring in text, or -1 if none was found. Conversely, if you have an index of interest, text.substr x, len returns the len characters starting at index x.

Matching Patterns

Regular expressions, are flexible and precise text patterns written between pairs of slash /.../ delimiters. Regular expression syntax is a whole language that is the topic of several good books and websites. Here are a few basics:

The text.match method returns matching substrings. Normally, the first match is found, but if the letter g (for "global") follows the pattern then all matching substrings are returned. There are other useful suffixes: i makes the match case-insensitive.

The pattern.exec method extracts of submatches within parentheses in the pattern, and the text.replace method replaces matches with a new string.

18. Motion


speed Infinity
pen purple
vy = 10
tick 20, ->
  slide 1, vy
  if inside(window)
    vy -= 1
    vy = Math.abs(vy) * 0.9


speed Infinity
write "Catch blue!"
b = hatch blue
bk 100
tick 10, ->
  turnto lastmousemove
  fd 5
  b.turnto 45 + direction b
  b.fd 6
  if b.touches(turtle)
    write "You win!"
    tick off
  else if not b.touches(window)
    write "Blue got away!"
    tick off


speed Infinity; pen orange
G = 100
v = [0, 1]
sun = hatch(gold)
sun.slide G, 0
tick 100, ->
  sun.moveto lastclick
  s = sun.getxy()
  p = getxy()
  d = distance(sun)
  d3 = d * d * d
  if d3 > 0 then for i in [0..1]
    v[i] += G * (s[i] - p[i]) / d3
  slide v[0], v[1]

The thee examples on this page demonstrate how to simulate motion: a bouncing turtle, a game of tag, and an orbiting planet.

Newtonian Simulations

When Newton worked out his famous laws of motion, he discovered that the speed and direction of an object - its velocity - remains unchanged as long as no forces act on the object. And he discovered that forces do not directly change the position of an object: forces alter an object's velocity.

When simulating motion, the velocity of an object can be represented by a small change in position for each tick in time. An undisturbed object moves the same distance and direction on each tick, and a forced object will alter its velocity on each tick.

In Bounce, the two variables vx and vy are the x and y components of velocity. The gentle acceleration due to gravity is simulated by a slight change in velocity on each tick: vy -= 1. The sudden acceleration of a bounce off the floor (with some loss in energy) is represented by a sign change in velocity: vy = Math.abs(vy) * 0.9.

In Tag, velocity is simulated by moving each turtle forward 5 or 6 on each tick. The physics of this game are designed for fun: the main turtle picks its direction by pointing at the last position of the mouse. The blue turtle runs away by adding 45 degrees to the direction from the main turtle to itself.

Orbit is a representation of Newton's most profound discovery: that the gravity makes objects fall to the ground is the same force that governs the motions of the planets. In the orbital simulator, the x and y components of velocity are in the array v, and the velocity is accelerated on each tick using the formula v[i] += G * (s[i] - p[i]) / d3, where s is the position of the sun, p is the position of the planet, and d3 is the cube of the distance between them.

Click to move the sun. Experiment with elliptical and hyperbolic orbits. Notice the planet moves more quickly when it is near the sun.

Motion and Hit Testing Functions

19. Concurrency

Race Condition

b = hatch blue
r = hatch red
b.lt 90; b.pen blue
b.play 'g'
b.rt 170, 50
b.dot 50, blue
r.rt 90; r.pen red
r.play 'd'
r.lt 170, 50
r.dot 50, red

Line Follower

dot orange, 220
dot white, 180
jump 100, 0
pen skyblue
while true
  fd 3 + random 3
  await done defer()
  if touches orange
    lt 5
    rt 5

Shared Memory

shared = { d: 0 }
do ->
  while true
    await read defer shared.d
do ->
  pen red
  while true
    fd 10
    await done defer()
    rt shared.d

Message Passing

button 'send color', ->
  send 'go', random color
do ->
  for x in [1..25]
    await recv 'go', defer c
    pen c
    fd 50
    rt 88, 10

A thread is a sequence in a program that runs in parallel to other code. Iced CoffeeScript has cooperative threads, which means that:

Some new idioms that appear in these examples:

Multiple Turtles

In Race Condition, the second turtle to arrive will draw a dot that covers the first dot. The turtles run concurrently, and it is is not possible to predict which parallel turtle will arrive first.

If order is important, insert await b.done defer() before calling r. The program will wait for b to finish before moving the red turtle.

An await only pauses the current function, not its caller. That is why the last two examples run threads in parallel.


It is important to let a turtle finish moving before reading its state. If Line Follower did not await done defer() to let the turtle finish moving forward before checking the touched color, the turtle would still be in its start position when check is done.

Even if not reading turtle state, an infinite while true loop should contain an await done defer() so that other threads get a turn.

Communicating Between Threads

Threads can communicate using shared memory (sharing a common variable) or message passing (sending a value from one to the other). If a shared variable changes very quickly or slowly, the thread that reads the variable can skip a value or read the same value twice. On the other hand, a thread that uses await recv will wait to receive each message sent by send exactly once without duplication or omission.

20. Styles

Thick Lines

pen blue, 10
fd 100; rt 90
pen pink, 3
fd 50; rt 90
pen 'orange ' +
    'lineWidth 10 ' +
    'lineCap square'
fd 100; rt 90
pen black
fd 50


text = write 'Outlined.'
text.css { border: '2px solid red' }
turtle.css { border: '3px dotted blue' }


h = write 'Fancy!'
  font: '55px Helvetica'
  fontStyle: 'italic'

Text Decoration

write 'Before'
d = write 'Decorated'
write 'After'
  display: 'inline-block'
  cursor: 'pointer'
  padding: '10px'
  margin: '-5px'
  opacity: '0.7'
  color: 'white'
  fontSize: '110%'
  letterSpacing: '5px'
  textDecoration: 'underline'
  boxShadow: '1px 1px black'
  background: 'mediumaquamarine'
  transform: 'rotate(10deg)translateX(20px)'

About styles. TBD.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

21. Selectors


write """<style>
h2 { color: red; }
h3 { background: bisque; }
write "<h2>Stylesheet</h2>"
write "<h3>Tag Styles</h3>"
write "<h3>style specific tags</h3>"


write """
.a { text-decoration: underline; }
.b { font-style: italic; }
write "<p class='a'>Class a</p>"
write "<h3 class='b'>Class b</h3>"
write "<p class='b'>Classes apply to any tag.</p>"


write """
i { border: 1px solid black; margin: 2px;
    display:inline-table }
i:nth-of-type(1) { background: gold }
i:nth-of-type(2n+4) { background: skyblue }
i:nth-of-type(3n+9) { background: thistle }
for x in [1..24]
  write "<i>#{x}</i>"


write "<p><mark>a</mark>v<mark>o</mark>" +
$('p').css { fontSize: '200%' }
$('mark').css { background: palegreen }
$('mark').animate {
    padding: '5px' }
$('mark:nth-of-type(2n)').animate {
    opacity: 0.3 }

This page gives shows how to use CSS, which is a set-oriented language. The fundamental operations in CSS operate on sets: every CSS selector represents a set of HTML elements, and every selection operator transforms one set of elements to another set. With CSS selectors, it is easy to select any useful set of elements without writing a loop.

Element Names and Hierarchy

A typical HTML document contains a tree structure like this:


The <body> element contains five children: one <h1>, three <p>, and one <h2>. Some of those children in turn have further children: this example has four <i> descendants.

CSS selectors name a tag to select all elements with that tag. The selector p selects the three <p> elements in the document, and the selector i selects all four <i> elements. In CSS, curly braces following a selector contain CSS styles to apply to the selected elements. To color the text within every <i> element, we could write i { color: blue }.

The result of a selector is always a set, and there is nothing wrong with selecting a singleton or empty set: h2 selects a single element, and h3 selects the empty set. Some more techniques:

Filtering by Ancestry - CSS selectors composed in sequence narrow sets according to ancestry. For example p i selects only those <i> elements that are contained within <p>.

CSS Classes - Elements with class attributes can be selected using match dot selectors such as .a.

Advanced Operators such as :nth-of-type can select elements according to their ordinal position or other properties.

jQuery's $ Function The jQuery function $(...) is a bridge between set-oriented selectors and object-oriented code. $('p') creates a single CoffeeScript object that represents the whole set elements selected by p. jQuery provides a bridge between the set-oriented CSS language and the the object-oriented CoffeeScript language.

The jQuery library provides a set of methods for all set objects, including functions for changing and animating CSS properties interactively.

22. Events

Shift Click

$(document).click (event) ->
  see event
  if event.shiftKey
    pen blue
    pen null
  moveto event

Arrow Keys

pen plum
[L, R, U, D] = [37, 39, 38, 40]
keydown (event) ->
  if event.which is L then lt 5
  if event.which is R then rt 5
  if event.which is U then fd 5
  if event.which is D then bk 5

Can't Touch This

t = write "<button>Touch This</button>"
t.speed Infinity
t.moveto document
t.mousemove (event) ->
  t.rt random(91) - 45
  while t.touches(event)
    t.bk 1

Magic Hat

speed Infinity
t = write '<img>'
start = ->
  t.wear 'openicon:magic-tophat'
  tick off
  t.click (event) -> play()
play = ->
  t.wear 'openicon:animals-rabbit'
  tick ->
    t.moveto random 'position'
  t.click (event) -> start()

About events. TBD.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

23. Slicing


choices = (menu, sofar = []) ->
  if menu.length is 0
    write sofar.join ' '
  else for item in menu[0]
    choices menu[1...],
      sofar.concat item

choices [
  ['small', 'medium', 'large']
  ['vanilla', 'chocolate']
  ['cone', 'cup']


suits = ['\u2663', '\u2666', '\u2665', '\u2660']
deck = []
for v in [2..10].concat ['J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
  deck.push (v + s for s in suits)...
shuffle = (d) ->
  for i in [1...d.length]
    choice = random(i + 1)
    [d[i], d[choice]] = [d[choice], d[i]]
deal = (d, n) -> d.splice(-n)

shuffle deck
for x in [1..3]
  write deal(deck, 5).join('/')

Caesar Cipher

key = 13
rot = a2z[key...].concat a2z[...key]
box = write '<input>'
out = write ''

box.keyup ->
  result = for c in box.val()
    char = c.toUpperCase()
    if char in a2z
      rot[a2z.indexOf char]
  out.text result.join ''

About slicing. TBD.

The concat method creates an array that joins the elements of two arrays together. [2...10].concat ['J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'] forms an array starting with the numbers 2 through 10 followed by the strings "J", "Q", "K", and "A".

The parenthesized loop (v + s for s in suits) is a list comprehension that creates an array using a for loop. The array consists of each value computed by the loop, in sequence.

Shuffle applies the Fisher-Yates algorithm for shuffling a deck of cards. The algorithm is called a "perfect shuffle" because every permutation of the deck is equally likely.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

24. Sorting

Quick Sort

list = (random 10 for x in [1..8])
write list

Slow Selection Sort

show = (points, highlight) ->
  render = for k, v of points
    if Number(k) in highlight
  write "<div>#{render.join ','}</div>"

list = 'SORTME'.split ''
show list, []

for i in [0 ... list.length - 1]
  for j in [i + 1 ... list.length]
    if list[i] > list[j]
      [list[i], list[j]] =
        [list[j], list[i]]
    show list, [i, j]

Custom Quick Sort

sketch = (points) ->
  pen null
  for p in points
    moveto p
    pen red
    dot black

array = []

button 'scatter', ->
  array = for x in [1..10]
    random 'position'
  sketch array

button 'sort',  ->
  array.sort (a, b) ->
    a.pageX - b.pageX
  sketch array

About sorting. TBD.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

25. Search


[width, height] = [9, 9]
grid = table(width, height).home()

sides = [
  {dx: 0, dy: -1, ob: 'borderTop', ib: 'borderBottom'}
  {dx: 1, dy: 0, ob: 'borderRight', ib: 'borderLeft'}
  {dx: 0, dy: 1, ob: 'borderBottom', ib: 'borderTop'}
  {dx: -1, dy: 0, ob: 'borderLeft', ib: 'borderRight'}

isopen = (x, y, side) ->
  return /none/.test(
    grid.cell(y, x).css side.ob)

isbox = (x, y) ->
  return false unless (
    0 <= x < width and
    0 <= y < height)
  for s in sides
    if isopen x, y, s
      return false
  return true

makemaze = (x, y) ->
    adj = (s for s in sides when isbox x + s.dx, y + s.dy)
    if adj.length is 0 then return
    choice = random adj
    [nx, ny] = [x + choice.dx, y + choice.dy]
    grid.cell(y, x).css choice.ob, 'none'
    grid.cell(ny, nx).css choice.ib, 'none'
    makemaze nx, ny

wander = (x, y, lastdir) ->
  moveto grid.cell y, x
  for d in [lastdir + 3 .. lastdir + 7]
    dir = d % 4
    s = sides[dir]
    if isopen x, y, s then break
  turnto grid.cell y + s.dy, x + s.dx unless dir is lastdir
  plan -> wander x + s.dx, y + s.dy, dir

makemaze 0, 0
speed 5
wander 4, 4, 0

About search. TBD.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

26. Intelligence

Tic Tac Toe

grid = table 3, 3,
  {width: 48, height: 48, font: "32px Arial Black", background: "wheat"}
board = [0, 0, 0,   0, 0, 0,   0, 0, 0]

grid.cell().click ->
  move = grid.cell().index this
  return unless winner() is 0 and board[move] is 0
  board[move] = 1
  $(this).text 'X'
  setTimeout respond, 500

respond = ->
  response = bestmove(-1).move
  if response?
    board[response] = -1;
    grid.cell().eq(response).text 'O'

bestmove = (player) ->
  win = winner()
  if win isnt 0 then return {move: null, advantage: win}
  choices = {'-1': [], '0': [], '1': []}
  for think in [0..8] when board[think] is 0
    board[think] = player
    outcome = bestmove(-player).advantage
    choices[outcome].push {move: think, advantage: outcome}
    board[think] = 0
  for favorite in [player, 0, -player] when choices[favorite].length
    return random choices[favorite]
  return {move: null, advantage: 0}

rules = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]]

winner = ->
  for row in rules
    if board[row[0]] and board[row[0]] is board[row[1]] is board[row[2]]
      return board[row[0]]
  return 0

colorwinner = ->
  for row in rules
    if board[row[0]] and board[row[0]] is board[row[1]] is board[row[2]]
      for n in row
        grid.cell().eq(n).css {color: red}

Part 2

A Tutorial in Programing with CoffeeScript

In this section, we use Pencil Code to make a game of hangman, starting from scratch, explaining all the basic concepts of programming in Iced CoffeeScript along the way. The approach in Part 2 is different from the first part the book. Here, we take a step-by-step approach, explaining the thinking behind every phase of the project-building process.

While following the tutorial, it may be useful to consult the online help:

  test panel (type help for help)
> help
  help is available for: bk cg cs ct fd ht if ln lt rt st abs cosd dot

Throughout the tutorial, suggestions on what to type are highlighted in white boxes, like the idea to type "help" above.

It takes a couple hours to learn enough programming to make hangman.

We will learn about:

At the end we will have a game we can play.

1. Running Pencil Code

Start up a browser and go to pencilcode.net. Click on "Let's Play!" to go to the editor. Our screen should look something like this:

The left hand side of the screen is a program editor, and the right hand side of the screen is where we can run programs. The bottom half of the right side is a test panel where we can type code to run right away.

The test panel should show something like this:

  test panel (type help for help)

The > means Pencil Code is waiting for us to enter some CoffeeScript.

2. Keeping a Secret

CoffeeScript can remember things, so let's use the test panel to tell it to remember our secret word.

  test panel (type help for help)
> secret = 'crocodile'

We can display a value with write.

> write secret
  (crocodile appears above)

We can also show a value in the test panel by entering its name.

> secret

CoffeeScript will remember the secret until we reload the page. So we can always go back and print our secret again by saying "secret" again.

Now try something CoffeeScript doesn't know.

> number
  ▶number is not defined

Don't worry. This is fine. We can just teach CoffeeScript what "number" is and try again.

> number = 43
> number

3. Computers are Fine Calculators

A computer is better than any calculator at doing math. Let's try.

> 2+33+66
> 33333333 * 44444444
> n=123456789
> n*n*n
> n += 1

The e+24 at the end of the last number is the way that large numbers are written in CoffeeScript. It means 1.8816763717891548 × 1024. CoffeeScript calculates numbers with 15 digits of precision.

In CoffeeScript, plus and minus are normal but times and divide are done using the * and / symbol. Some other symbols to know:

x = 95save 95 as x
x is 24is x equal to 24?
x < 24is x less than 24?
x > 24is x more than 24?
word.lengththe length of word
String(num)turns num into a string of digits
Number(digits) makes a number from a string
n += 1change n by adding one

These operations can be combined.

What will it do when we say "String(99 * 123).length"?

CoffeeScript obeys the same order of operations used in Algebra.

What will it say for (2 * 3 + 3 * 5) / 7 - 1?

Try your own fancy formulas. Don't worry if you get errors.

4. Strings and Numbers

What do you think happens when we try to do addition with words?

> 'dog' + 'cat'
> 'dog' + 5
> 34 + 5
> '34' + 5

If we add something to a word, it sticks it on and makes a longer word. When we put something inside quotes, CoffeeScript treats the value like a string of letters, even if they are all digits! That is why '34' + 5 is 345. Quoted values like this are called "strings."

The Number() function can be used to convert a string to a number, so that we can do ordinary arithmetic with it.

The String() function is opposite, and turns numbers into strings.

> Number('34') + 5
> String(34) + 5
> Number('dog') + 5

If we try to convert a string to a number in a way that does not make sense, we get the special value NaN, which stands for "Not a Number".

5. Creating Graphics

In Pencil Code, we can create graphics by using the turtle. There are five basic turtle functions:

pen redchooses a pen color
fd 100moves forward by some pixels
rt 90turns right by some degrees
lt 90turns left by some degrees
bk 50slides back by some pixels

In the test panel, enter two commands to draw a line:

> pen red
> fd 100

Try turning the turtle and drawing another line. Notice that rt turns the turtle in place, and we need to move the turtle with fd to draw a corner.

> rt 90
> fd 50

Read about the rt function using help:

> help rt
  rt(degrees) Right turn. Pivots clockwise by some degrees: rt 90
  rt(degrees, radius) Right arc. Pivots with a turning radius:
      rt 90, 50

If we give a second number to rt, the turtle will move while turning and form an arc. Try making a circle:

> rt 360, 100

Remember to put a comma between the two numbers.

6. Making Our First Program

A program is just a saved list of commands that are run in order. Let's set up a hangman game.

Here we will begin working with the editor on the left side of Pencil Code.

  1. Select and erase the example program text in the editor.
  2. Now type the following program into the editor.

pen blue
fd 150  
rt 90   
fd 50   
rt 90   
fd 20   

When we press the triangluar play button in the middle, the turtle will trace out a shape, one step at a time.

If it doesn't work, check the typing carefully and try again. Things to watch out for:

Each time we run the program, it clears the screen and starts again.

Now, rename the program from "first" to "hangman" by editing the name next to the pencil. Save it with the button at the top right.

A website will be created with your account name. When I chose the name "newbie", a website was created at "newbie.pencilcode.net".

Once you have saved the program with the name "hangman", it is available at two different addresses on pencilcode, like this:

You can share these websites with anybody.

7. Hurry Up and Wait

Write a welcome message after drawing the hangman shape:

pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
write 'time to play hangman'

Notice that the Pencil Code Turtle is as slow as a turtle! Unless we speed it up with the speed function, the turtle takes its own slow time long after we have asked it to move, and the welcome message appears before the turtle is finished.

We can do two things to help with the slow turtle:

  1. Change the number of moves it makes per second using "speed."
  2. Pause the program to wait until the turtle finishes moving using "await done defer()."

speed 10
pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
await done defer()
write 'time to play hangman'

Now the turtle moves faster, and the program waits until the turtle is done before writing the welcome message.

A couple things to know:

If we give the turtle speed Infinity, you will not need the "await done defer()" line, because the turtle will be done moving as soon as we ask it to move.

8. Using "for" to Repeat

We can repeat steps in a program with the "for" command.

If we say "for something in something", CoffeeScript will repeat any indented lines that come next. Try adding three lines to the end of our program so that it looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
for letter in secret
  write letter      

You should see this:

time to play hangman

The program is saying "for every letter in the secret, do this next thing." So the computer repeats "write letter" nine times, once for each letter.

If it doesn't work, check the program and make sure the line after the for is indented: that is how CoffeeScript knows which line to repeat.

Once you have the hang of it, keep the secret by changing program to write underscores:

write 'time to play hangman'
for letter in secret:
  append '_ '

Using append instead of write puts text on the same line instead of starting a new line each time:

time to play hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. Using "if" to Choose

In our hangman game, we should show where any guessed letters are. To decide whether to print a blank line or a letter, we will need to use "if" and "else".

Try changing the program like this. There are four new lines:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
guesses = 'aeiou'

for letter in secret
  if letter in guesses 
    append letter + ' '
    append '_ '

Don't forget to line everything up, and remember to save it.

What happens when you run it?

The line "if something in something" makes a choice.

  1. If the letter is in our guesses, it appends the letter together with a space after it.
  2. Otherwise it appends a little underscore ("else" is how we say "otherwise" in CoffeeScript).

Since the whole thing is under the "for something in something", this choice is repeated for every letter.

Our screen looks like this:

time to play hangman
_ _ o _ o _ i _ e

Check the spelling and spacing and punctuation if you get errors. Take your time to get it to work.

10. Input with "read"

Our game is no good if we can't guess. To let the player guess we will use a function called "read"

It works like this:

await read defer guess

This shows an input box puts the program on hold until the user enters a value for "guess".

The "await" and "defer" commands work together to pause and resume the program while waiting for an answer to be entered.

Try adding two lines to the program to add an await read, like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
guesses = 'aeiou'
write 'guess a letter'
await read defer guess
guesses += guess      
for letter in secret
  if letter in guesses
    append letter + ' '
    append '_ '

The "guesses += guess" line adds the guess to the string of guesses. If the string of guesses was "aeiou" and the new guess is "c", then the string of guesses will become "aeiouc".

Let's run it.

time to play hangman
guess a letter
⇒ c 
c _ o _ o _ i _ e

When we run the program, it will show us where our guessed letter appears.

11. Using "while" to Repeat

We need to let the player take more than one turn.

The "while" command can repeat our program until the player is out of turns.

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
guesses = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in guesses
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '

  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  guesses += guess      
  turns -= 1            

We need to indent everything under the "while" command to make this work. So we will need to add some spaces in front of most of the program.

Let's also move the guessing after the hint instead of before.

The command "turns -= 1" means subtract one from "turns," so if it used to be 5, it will be 4. Then the next time around it will be 3 and so on. When turns is finally zero, the "while" command will stop repeating.

Try running the program. Does it work?

Any time we want to see the value of a variable, we can type its name into the test panel.

  test panel (type help for help)
> guesses
> turns

12. Improving our Game

We can already play our game. Now we need to fix it up so that it is fun.

  1. The player should win right away when there are no missing letters.
  2. The player should only lose a turn on a wrong guess.
  3. When the player loses, the game should tell the secret.

Here is one way to improve it.

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
guesses = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  blanks = 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in guesses
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '
      blanks += 1

  if blanks is 0    
    write 'You win!'

  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  guesses += guess

  if guess not in secret
    turns -= 1
    write 'Nope.'                    
    write turns + ' more turns'      
    if turns is 0                    
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

The "blanks" number counts how many blanks we are still missing. If if is zero, it means we won, and the "break" command breaks out of the "while" section early.

The "if guess not in secret" line checks if the guess was wrong. We only count down the "turns" if our guess was wrong.

When we guess wrong, we also print a bunch of messages like "Nope" and how many more turns we have. When we are wrong for the last time we print the secret.

13. Making it Look Like Hangman

It will be more fun if we make our game look like Hangman.

All we need to do is draw parts of the poor hangman person when there is a wrong guess. Try adding something like this to the wrong guess part:

    write 'Nope.'
    write turns + ' more turns'
    if turns is 4 then lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90  
    if turns is 3 then fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30
    if turns is 2 then rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45
    if turns is 1 then fd 30                     
    if turns is 0
      rt 45; fd 30      
      await done defer()
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

The semicolons ; are just a way to put more than one step on the same line. Notice when putting the "if" on the same line as the commands to run, we must use the word "then" between the test and the commands.

Try making variations on the hangman drawings for each step.

Whenever we want to pause the program to wait for the turtle to finish drawing, we can use "await done defer()". This starts the done function and resumes the program after it has completed.

pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20

lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90
fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30
rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45; fd 30
rt 45; fd 30

14. Picking a Random Secret

The only problem with the game is that it always plays the same secret word. We should use the random function to choose a random word.

Change the line that sets the secret so that it looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = random ['tiger', 'panda', 'mouse']
guesses = 'aeiou'

The square brackets [ ] and commas make a list, and the random function picks one thing randomly from the list.

Of course, we can make the list as long as we like. Here is a longer list:

print 'time to play hangman'
secret = random [

We can write a long list on lots of lines like this, as long as we remember to end any brackets [] that we started. When we list items on their own lines, the commas are optional.

15. Loading a List from the Internet

There is a longer list of animals on the internet at the address http://pencilcode.net/data/animals.

We can load this data in CoffeeScript using a jQuery function "$.get". (The dollar is the object used by the jQuery library to bundle more than one hundred functions that are very useful for web apps. Read more about jQuery functions at learn.jqery.com.)

The code looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
secret = random animals.split '\n'                             

What this means is:

await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Pause the program until the $.get is done.
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Open up the address http://pencilcode.net/data/animals
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Tell $.get to resume the program after putting the answer in "animals."
secret = random animals.split '\n'
The special string '\n' is the newline character between lines in a file.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Split the animals string into an array, with one entry per line.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Choose one item from the array randomly.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Call this random word "secret".

16. The Whole Hangman Program

Here is the whole program from beginning to end:

speed 10
pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
await done defer()
write 'time to play hangman'
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
secret = random animals.split '\n'
guesses = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  blanks = 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in guesses
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '
      blanks += 1

  if blanks is 0
    write 'You win!'

  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  guesses += guess

  if guess not in secret
    turns -= 1
    write 'Nope.'
    write turns + ' more turns'
    if turns is 4 then lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90
    if turns is 3 then fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30
    if turns is 2 then rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45; fd 30
    if turns is 1 then rt 45; fd 30
    if turns is 0
      bk 30; lt 90; fd 30
      await done defer()
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

Next Steps

The best part of programming is customizing your program to make it your own. Can you make your hangman game harder or easier? Can you make it automatically play again at the end of the game?

Here are a few other places to go to learn more.

Learn more about programming in CoffeeScript with the book Smooth Coffeescript, by E. Hoigaard (based on the book Eloquent Javascript, by Marijn Haverbeke).

The await and defer keywords are explained well on Max Krohn's Iced CoffeeScript homepage (search on Google).

The website guide.pencilcode.net has more example programs and reference material to use with Pencil Code.

Pencil Code is based on open web standards HTML5 and CSS3. HTML is a rich subject. There are more than 100 types of HTML elements, more than 100 HTML attributes, more than 100 CSS properties, and an expanding set of APIs. The best way to explore all these options is to search on Google and consult the many resources on the Internet about these standards.

Pencil Code is also built on jQuery, which is the most popular open-source AJAX library for building browser-based web applications. Learn about jQuery at learn.jquery.com.

When you have further questions, turn to the Pencil Code discussion group at pencilcode.net/group, or look to the superb technical community on StackOverflow at stackoverflow.com.

About intelligence. TBD.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



fd 50forward 50 pixels
bk 10backward 10 pixels
rt 90turn right 90 degrees
lt 120turn left 120 degrees
home()go to the page center
slide x, yslide right x and forward y
moveto x, ygo to x, y relative to home
turnto 45set direction to 45 (NE)
turnto objpoint toward obj
speed 30do 30 moves per second


ht()hide the turtle
st()show the turtle
scale 8do everything 8x bigger
wear yellowwear a yellow shell
fadeOut()fade and hide the turtle
remove()totally remove the turtle


p = write 'hi'adds HTML to the page
p.html 'bye'changes old text
button 'go',
-> fd 10
adds a button with
an action
read (n) ->
write n*n
adds a text input with
an action
t = table 3,5adds a 3x5 <table>
t.cell(0, 0).
text 'aloha'
selects the first cell of the
table and sets its text

Other Objects

$(window)the visible window
$('p').eq(0)the first <p> element
$('#zed')the element with id="zed"


pen bluedraw in blue
pen red, 99 pixel wide red pen
pen nulluse no color
pen offpause use of the pen
pen onuse the pen again
mark 'X'mark with an X
dot greendraw a green dot
dot gold, 3030 pixel gold circle
pen 'path'trace an invisible path
fill cyanfill traced path in cyan


turtlename of the main turtle
getxy()[x, y] position relative to home
direction()direction of turtle
hidden()if the turtle is hidden
touches(obj)if the turtle touches obj
inside(window) if enclosed in the window


g = hatch 20hatch 20 new turtles
g = $('img')select all <img> as a set
g.plan (j) ->
  @fd j * 10
direct the jth turtle to go
forward by 10j pixels

Other Functions

see objinspect the value of obj
speed 8set default speed
tick 5, -> fd 10go 5 times per second
click -> fd 10go when clicked
random [3,5,7]return 3, 5, or 7
random 100random [0..99]
play 'ceg'play musical notes

